Thursday, October 17, 2013




Bakhara Market in Mogadishu 

Batt 19 RMR (Mech) stationed for duty in Mogadishu began June 18, 1993 with UNOSOM, this battalion has been assigned as the Force Quick Set (Quick Reaction Force) UNOSOM. On 3 and 4 October 1993, U.S. Army Ranger Officer and Delta Force (elite and commando units typical U.S. Army) operation to capture some right buddy Mohamed Farrah Aidid. Unfortunately this operation is facing a problem . The troops trapped . Pressed, United States Army ask for help UNOSOM and 19 RMR (MECH) to provide assistance for trapped American Army members .

United States Army   want to use Shield vehicles  Radpanzer Condor  owned by 19 RMR (MECH. 19 RMR (MECH)reluctantly handed Radpanzer Condor to US Army, and eventually a compromise was reached. 19 RMR (MECH) confirmed members US Army not to use Condor, but guides, commander and weapons controllers will consist of 19 RMR (MECH) members.

60 members 19 RMR (MECH) join in rescue operations concerning US Army. After given a briefing on the operation, troops led by  Lt Azman  moving at 11 o'clock at night. 16 of Radpanzer Condor moving in convoy. Journey to a place where US Amy shelter filled with obstacles, and convoys are often showered with bullets and rockets. They had to dodge a bomb planted on the road and shot the shooter stole from the uneven places causing impaired movement. Lt Azman gave directives to the calm during an attack when rebels raised the morale of the troops rescue operations .

Finally at 7:45 am , 75 US Ranger victorious saved. For 19 RMR (MECH) one soldier was killed. Private Aznan Awang Mat was killed when an RPG - 7 rocket penetrated the guide rail compartment shield that Radpenzer Condor he drive. This event has become an inspiration to the American film expenditures to issue a film titled " Blackhawk Down " for ' remembering ' their failure in its operations in Mogadishu . Unfortunately the film did not enjoy the involvement of 19 RMR (MECH) members who have together with US Army elite rescue / command from US ; effect than that It gets a rebuttal rather than the Kingdom of Malaysia , even more so than the Ministry of Defence .

Bloemenmarkt - The Floating Flower Market

Bloemenmarkt - The Floating Flower Market   So colorful, so fragrant; you're lured as if they're siren...